Our Team

  • Catarina Martins

    Catarina Martins has been a regular dedicated practitioner of the traditional method of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga for over 3 years. In addition to her life experience and her career as a Hatha Yoga instructor, she recognizes the profound depth and completeness of the Ashtanga tradition.

    Having had the opportunity to study and practice with multiple renowned national and international teachers, Catarina recently embarked on a soulful pilgrimage to the birthplace of Ashtanga in India, where she delved into the heart of the practice under the guidance of Guruji Sharath Jois in mystical Mysore.

    With a gentle yet powerful presence, Catarina infuses each class with a radiant energy that resonates with sensitivity, positivity, and unwavering attention. Join her on a journey of self-discovery and transformation as she guides you through the sacred union of breath, movement and spirit.

  • Hui Xiang

    Hui Xiang teaches awakening yoga, A vigorous and fluid vinyasa power yoga, a practice that builds strength, creates flexibility and inspires joy.

    Hui's teaching goes beyond intelligent alignment; moving and willing students to an introspective, holistic experience that connects the philosophy of yoga to every aspect of our lives.

  • Marta Golasz

    In these Mellow Vinyasa classes, Marta guides you through strong, full-body moving flows that encompass the essence of balance, strength, flexibility, and stamina.

    Emphasizing a slower pace, Marta creates a supportive environment where you can find stability and familiarity in the fundamental yoga poses, as well as unlock a new level of expansion and find new transitions and challenges.

    Throughout the class, breath awareness takes center stage, helping you to cultivate mindfulness and focus. Marta's gentle guidance encourages self-study and introspection, allowing you to tap into your inner wisdom and find harmony, effortlessly blending effort and ease.

    Whether you're a seasoned yogi or just starting your yoga journey, Marta warmly welcomes all levels of experience. Join her and embrace the transformative power of yoga.

  • Sara Sá

    Sara is passioned by the wisdom of self-exploration. Her classes blend the magic of proper alignment, conscious breath and the fluidity of learning to connect and move from within.

    In HaTha class we combine movement and breath in a natural and subtle way, flowing in slow to intermediate pace. Ha meaning the Sun (yang) and Tha meaning the Moon (Yin) are brought together along the practice, aiming to create a body-mind-soul equilibrium through the balance of these energies. We invite to move gently with steadiness, respecting the inner wisdom and intuition that resides within. Come along and find yourself diving into the foundations of asanas & pranayamas, building connection, strength and awareness to (and between) the body, the mind and the soul. 75' classes including meditation, pranayama and asanas.

  • Tina Bozic

    Tina's classes are simple yet powerful, varying from dynamic and energizing to more restorative and gentle flows. She likes to describe them as meditation in motion. Drawing from different traditions, Tina focuses her classes on developing functional strength and flexibility while encouraging students to use their body/breath awareness to stay connected to the present moment.

    She is here to invite you to a safe practice of breath and movement that will empower you to look within, connect with yourself and find your own inner teacher.