Yamas & Niyamas (high quality digital version - download)


The Yamas and Niyamas form the ethical foundation of yoga, outlined in the first two limbs of Patanjali’s eightfold path. Let’s explore:

  1. Yamas (Social Restraints):

    • Ahimsa: Non-harming, compassion. Do as little harm as possible.

    • Satya: Truthfulness, honesty. Speak truth with love and care.

    • Asteya: Non-stealing. Give more value than you receive.

    • Brahmacharya: Balanced use of sexual energy.

    • Aparigraha: Non-hoarding, abundance mindset.

  2. Niyamas (Self-Disciplines):

    • Saucha: Purity, cleanliness. Align with your highest potential.

    • Santosha: Contentment, gratitude. Find joy in the present.

    • Tapas: Self-discipline, inner fire. Cultivate resilience.

    • Svadhyaya: Self-study, inner exploration.

    • Ishvara Pranidhana: Surrender to the divine flow.

These principles guide how we relate to others and care for ourselves—a map written to guide us on life’s journey. 🌟🕉️

This 2-page document, in high resolution, can be printed and framed to decorate your yoga and meditation space.

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The Yamas and Niyamas form the ethical foundation of yoga, outlined in the first two limbs of Patanjali’s eightfold path. Let’s explore:

  1. Yamas (Social Restraints):

    • Ahimsa: Non-harming, compassion. Do as little harm as possible.

    • Satya: Truthfulness, honesty. Speak truth with love and care.

    • Asteya: Non-stealing. Give more value than you receive.

    • Brahmacharya: Balanced use of sexual energy.

    • Aparigraha: Non-hoarding, abundance mindset.

  2. Niyamas (Self-Disciplines):

    • Saucha: Purity, cleanliness. Align with your highest potential.

    • Santosha: Contentment, gratitude. Find joy in the present.

    • Tapas: Self-discipline, inner fire. Cultivate resilience.

    • Svadhyaya: Self-study, inner exploration.

    • Ishvara Pranidhana: Surrender to the divine flow.

These principles guide how we relate to others and care for ourselves—a map written to guide us on life’s journey. 🌟🕉️

This 2-page document, in high resolution, can be printed and framed to decorate your yoga and meditation space.

The Yamas and Niyamas form the ethical foundation of yoga, outlined in the first two limbs of Patanjali’s eightfold path. Let’s explore:

  1. Yamas (Social Restraints):

    • Ahimsa: Non-harming, compassion. Do as little harm as possible.

    • Satya: Truthfulness, honesty. Speak truth with love and care.

    • Asteya: Non-stealing. Give more value than you receive.

    • Brahmacharya: Balanced use of sexual energy.

    • Aparigraha: Non-hoarding, abundance mindset.

  2. Niyamas (Self-Disciplines):

    • Saucha: Purity, cleanliness. Align with your highest potential.

    • Santosha: Contentment, gratitude. Find joy in the present.

    • Tapas: Self-discipline, inner fire. Cultivate resilience.

    • Svadhyaya: Self-study, inner exploration.

    • Ishvara Pranidhana: Surrender to the divine flow.

These principles guide how we relate to others and care for ourselves—a map written to guide us on life’s journey. 🌟🕉️

This 2-page document, in high resolution, can be printed and framed to decorate your yoga and meditation space.